It’s mid-May —
you know what that means;
It’s time for the beginning of
my slow release
when every year the grief cocoon
falls away and I
emerge unceremoniously
dropping to the ground, for I am
no butterfly.
I wish I liked spring but I always
seem to lose it.
Can-do attitude
leaves me in the dust,
a straggler with an outstretched hand
reaching up as if to say,
“Wait for me!
But waiting is not in its nature
(never has been)
and so
I relent
and crawl back
into the waiting arms of seasonal limbo
where I am cradled once more,
shielded from spring’s unrelenting bloom,
praying for the calm
of summer’s sloth
and waiting still
to live.
Edited by: Cecilia Innis
Cover Photo Credit: Jasmine LeCount-McClanahan