As a young girl
Already more estranged and bent than I was willing to believe
I folded myself into the mold my parents made for me from their ribs
I resigned to the possibility of a beige foreverness
Learned my hymns, made them sound like my own name
I nested in the pews
Drinking in sermon like lifeblood
Letting it poison my spirit, as I should —
Quiet in my suffering.
I struck my pain from the record of God
He needn’t know this secret
And when we kneeled before Him
Foreheads touching the seat
Palms pressed into each other, hard, revenant
I dotted the cushions with my own holy water
Let it fall from mine eyes
And with them, as if in tandem, came the scales
I slowly purified, obsessed with detox.
As I unfurled myself, slowly, I felt the colors before I saw them
Deep-seated in my belly, they tried to burst through my ears
And I could hear my people laughing at inside jokes
Although I couldn’t yet speak the language, I knew the cadence
That I was meant to be here with them
As I neared salvation
I began to hear the birds
A building roar, cacophonous in my bones
And the scream was beautiful and sacred and calming
Slowly I learned to speak
Testing my new tongue, finding my people in the crowd
And we whispered to one another to make us feel safe.
We were not alone, because our holy stood with us.
As I stand inside a dark and crowded room
With strangers who all fit inside the same skin, and make it their own
I can see them speak, and I am fluent
Finding my own, much younger, and teaching them what voice we use —
Sometimes we whisper
And other times, we are throwing our lungs to the ceiling in hopes that they’ll stick
We are bastardized from society
The hue of our brains is supposedly wrong but I can’t tell
Because mine is as well.
We are a ruckus
Crashing into rocks
Our own holy water slipping down our throats
On a Saturday while the day is still sleeping
We turn into pillars of salt
We become one being
We queer ourselves into and out of the dance floor, the clubs, each other
We let our tongues speak for themselves
And here, we go to church.
Edited by: Ava Emilione
Cover Photo Credit: Ciara Bridges