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Writer: Leslie VargasLeslie Vargas

LASH by Zelle Westfall


Break when the day's full of light

But it makes me feel better, when the windows are bright

And hey, I know that it's cold, but it makes me feel better when I do it alone

The better days ahead, only better when you're dead and you're dead

And you're dreaming in gold, you're desperate when you're bold

I just smell roses and roses and roses

Hey, hey

And I know that it's wrong

Let's just get along

I just see roses and roses and roses

Hey, hey

And it makes me feel better


When the evenings get slow, we'll put on a show

And it'll be roses and roses and roses

Hush, you're crossing the line

To a world that is mine and mine and mine

Take all your roses


I know that it's wrong

Let's just get along

I just see roses

I smell roses and roses and roses

Take back your roses, roses and roses and roses

I don't need your roses

Artist's Statement/Commentary:

“ROLL CREDITS” is about wanting love but pushing it away when it gets close. It just feels like the walls are closing in but running away makes me feel better. When someone loves me but beauty standards make me feel that my blackness makes me unlovable. My horns are the demonization of my afro — my beautiful, sparkly horns.

Issue 17 Credits

Photography: Zelle Westfall

Creative Direction: Payton Selby, Ava Emilione, Leslie Vargas, Zelle Westfall

Photography Assistants: Ruby Summer, Jewel Simpkins


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